About Me

portrait of yours truly

I am a professional software engineer, hobbyist tinkerer, former teacher, and full-time family man. One of my favorite pastimes is deconstructing gnarly problems into tiny, little pieces and making those little pieces line up and play nicely.

My experience ranges the stack with a focus on backend work and a begrudging acceptance of the importance of frontend complexities.

My language history includes work with Ruby, Javascript(vanilla and Node.js), and GoLang, as well as experience with popular frameworks like React w/ Redux and Ruby On Rails.

I’m comfortable with a variety of other technologies including AWS, Docker, NATS, and SQL & NoSQL DBs. There are many, many tools out there to get the job done; I’m comfortable picking up whatever technology works best to solve the problem at hand!


Pioneer is a feature flag management tool built to handle an organization’s migration from a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture.

Pioneer is a self-hosted feature flag management tool, built entirely open-source. It leverages a React/Redux frontend with an Express backend and PostgreSQL DB for easy flag management, NATS JetStream for asynchronous, fault-tolerant messaging, and a NodeJS daemon for SSE distribution of data to custom built SDKs (available in Ruby, NodeJS, and Go).

You can read the full project write-up or peruse the usage documentation.


Cloudbeam is a simple, secure application for small team file sharing.

Cloudbeam is a web application that teams can use to distribute files quickly, bypassing file size limits of email providers and permissions management with cloud drives. It is built with Ruby on Rails 6 and PostgreSQL. It leverages Rail’s Action Cable for live status updates and ActiveStorage for direct file uploads to S3, with Cloudfront signed-URLs for download security.

Try out simple file sharing or read more about the project

Older Projects

  • Inspector Hook

    A React and MongoDB application for examining the details of webhook responses

  • Jisho

    A dictionary/study tool for learning Japanese built with Ruby, Sinatra, HTML/CSS and PostrgreSQL

  • React Airlines

    A React application that uses SVG to model flight paths of various airlines based on a data set of international airlines.

  • Trello'd

    List making application in the style of Trello, built with a React/Redux frontend, RESTful Express backend, and backed by MongoDB.